Groundbreaking for Patterson Park Community Center
Mayor Horrigan and other city officials broke ground at Patterson Park Community Center (800 Patterson Ave.) to celebrate the beginning of the center renovations (new meeting rooms, multi-purpose room, game room, art-gardening room, outdoor playground and more). Construction is expected to total $7.8 million and be complete by late 2024 or early 2025. The existing 8,300-square-foot building will be replaced by a 12,400-square-foot footprint. The larger building will accommodate more recreational opportunities such as indoor volleyball, pickleball and basketball. The facility will be one level with a new ADA-accessible entry from a new parking area off Patterson Avenue. Construction is being funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The next center slated for renovations will be Reservoir Park Community Center (1735 Hillside Terrace) with bids expected to go out in early 2024.
The renderings below are provided by the architect for the project, Prime AE. The photo of the groundbreaking event was taken by a City of Akron employee.